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Rabies is serious!
Refuge Animex is proud to inform you that it takes the well-being of the cats in its care to heart, by ensuring that it provides the vaccines necessary for their good health. All the cats up for adoption at Refuge Animex received their vaccines before being handed over to their adopters.
We often forget that a cat can have rabies and transmit it. And yet rabies is a disease caused by a virus that is found all over the world. Rabies is a fatal and irreversible disease for cats.
In addition, rabies is a zoonosis, that is to say a disease transmissible from animals to humans. This disease is caused by a virus from the Rhabdoviridae family, which affects the nervous system. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease.
This is the reason why any bite should be taken seriously, even if the animal is apparently healthy.
Vaccinating your cat (or your dog) is essential to fight against certain infectious diseases. These diseases are one of the causes of premature mortality in our companions.
A follow-up of their vaccination also participates in the preventive health control of your animal and its well-being.
References :
Wanimo Veto
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